Lab Faculty Affiliates


Dr. Kurt Luther

Dr. Kurt Luther is an associate professor of computer science at Virginia Tech. He directs the Crowd Intelligence Lab, researching the complementary strengths of crowdsourced human intelligence and artificial intelligence (AI) in domains such as journalism, history, national security, and human rights. He is a recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award and paper awards from ACM CSCW, ACM IUI, and AAAI HCOMP. Previously, Dr. Luther was a postdoctoral fellow in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. He received a Ph.D. in human-centered computing from Georgia Tech, and a B.S. in computer graphics technology from Purdue University.


Dr. Rebecca Hester

Rebecca J. Hester is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Science, Technology and Society at Virginia Tech. She received her PhD in Politics with an emphasis in Latin American and Latino Studies from UC Santa Cruz. She was the Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow in Latino Studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and an assistant professor in the Institute for the Medical Humanities at the University of Texas Medical Branch before coming to Virginia Tech. Her research focuses broadly on the social, cultural, and political studies of health, medicine, biology, and the body.


Dr. Michael Hsiao

Michael Hsiao is the W. S. Pete White Endowed Chair Professor for Innovation in Engineering Education and a Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech. He is the creator of "You Can Be A Game Changineer", a web platform for anyone to create video games in English. By collaborating with 4-H, the platform has received the Virginia Cooperative Extension 2018 Program Excellence Award. His research combines AI, design technology, and formal methods for the automation of design activities. He was a recipient of the Digital Equipment Corporation Fellowship, the McDonnell Douglas Scholarship, and the National Science Foundation CAREER Award. Among his publications, he has been recognized for the most influential papers in the first ten years (1998-2007) of Design Automation and Test Conference in Europe (DATE), best paper award at the 2010 IEEE Asian Test Symposium, and best student paper award at the 2012 IEEE International Test Conference. He received the B.S. degree in Computer Engineering (highest honors) and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees

in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.

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