Reading List

Below are some of the many good books that have come out on cyber related issues in recent years that are worthwhile reads. 


Cyberspace in Peace and War by Martin Libicki

In a world in which cyberspace is becoming every country’s center of gravity, the issue of cyberwar can no longer be ignored. Cyberspace in Peace and War is the first comprehensive, instructional guide to the challenge of cyberwar: how to conduct it but, more importantly, how to avoid it using a mix of cybersecurity policies coupled with deterrence, escalation, signaling, and norms strategies. The result of over twenty years of analysis and assessment by author Martin C. Libicki, this text should be of particular interest to those concerned with the current and future challenges that face the digital frontier. Though written from a U.S. perspective, the principles discussed are globally relevant.

Cyber Threat: The Rise of Information Geopolitics in U.S. National Security (Praeger Security International)

This book presents a holistic view of the geopolitics of cyberspace that have arisen over the past decade, utilizing recent events to explain the international security dimension of cyber threat and vulnerability, and to document the challenges of controlling information resources and protecting computer systems.

The Data Revolution: Big Data, Open Data, Data Infrastructures and Their Consequences

Rob Kitchin deftly walks readers through big data and its implications for social sciences, humanities and beyond. For those looking to use, study or understand big data in academia this book is a must read.

The Evolution of Cyber War: International Norms for Emerging-Technology Weapons

Brian M. Mazanec in the Evolution of Cyber War walks the reader through a series of detailed analogous cases of norm evolution across other fields in the technological evolution of warfare. After spending a great deal of time in the book on these other cases he turns his attention to cyber and the potential gains and losses in the evolution of norms. The book is a solid introduction to the norm evolution of cyberspace and an interesting read for political scientists and international policy specialists. This book is not suited to the general reading audience in most instances, but readers willing to make the effort to dive deep will come away with a richer knowledge and context of cyber norms.

Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World

Data and Goliath is a powerful story by a well versed technologist on the perils of sacrificing data for security. The book provides relevant policy suggestions and readily admits that these suggestions are not going to be implemented in the current political climate. Forever there is a call to action for individuals to begin demanding of the companies they use and their governments to protect their privacy. It is a long read but well worth it.

Terrorism in Cyberspace: The Next Generation

This is a great book that really works hard to pull out the facts without making outlandish claims. Gabriel Weimann should be commended for working for more than a decade to pull together a rich set of resources. If you are intersted in Countering Violent Extrememism, or just on terrorism and cyberspace in genereal this is the book you should start with.

iMuslims: Rewiring the House of Islam (Islamic Civilization and Muslim Networks)

A Fascinating book that truly parses through much of the nuance necessary to study the topic of Terrorism, Islam and the Internet. Particular focus should be paid to Chapters 2, 5, and 6.

China and Cybersecurity: Espionage, Strategy, and Politics in the Digital Domain

Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World’s First Digital Weapon

Kim Zetter’s book is the best book I have read to date on Stuxnet and Olympic games generally. The detailed analysis and the engaging storytelling make this a must read for students of cybersecurity.

Cyberpower and National Security (National Defense University)

Kramer et al. put together an amazing book that details many of the issues found within cyberspace. With contributing authors spanning both the technical and political domains this book has been my textbook of choice for classes on cyber warfare. While the content in some parts is becoming dated the overall thrust of the work remains robust.

Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know.

This book is an interesting and engaging entry into the study of cybersecurity for multiple levels of decision-makers and the general public. While the ground covered is extremely broad it does not lack sufficient depth and provides and question and answer based approach that is both satisfying and fun to read.

Cyberspace and National Security: Threats, Opportunities, and Power in a Virtual World

This is a fabulous book with a detailed analytical structure. Herb Lin’s section on the cyber attack with an emphasis on direct and indirect effects of cyber attacks is a must read for all individuals interested in studying cyberspace and cyber war.

Cyberspace and the State: Towards a Strategy for Cyberpower (Adelphi series)

This short yet fascinating book walks the reader through various aspects of cyber power. While not my favorite work on the subject it none-the-less provides solid insights into the study of cyberpower and strategy.

The Future of Power

Joe Nye walks readers through the constructs of power. His work is modern in tone and is highly applicable to cyberspace. If you are interested in learning about power, the projection of power this book is a must read.

Conflict and Cooperation in Cyberspace: The Challenge to National Security

This diverse and engaging edited volume has both excellent and average chapters. The nice thing about this book being an edited volume is that it provides something for everyone and is a good academic volume for students looking to engage the subject.

Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar

Martin Libicki walks readers through the intricacies of deterrence strategy. Of particular importance are the concepts of holding assets at risk. Chapter 4 is particularly useful in understanding the concept of intent associated with attack and how intent is important to concepts of deterrence.

Cyberpolitics in International Relations

Cyber Blockades

Protocol Politics: The Globalization of Internet Governance (Information Revolution and Global Politics)

Networks and States: The Global Politics of Internet Governance (Information Revolution and Global Politics)

Milton Mueller’s book on global Internet politics is a must read. Mueller is one of the foremost experts on Internet Governance and his detailed insight bring even the most novice in the community up to standard. While the book is beginning to be a bit dated it is still a valuable stop along the way to understanding cyberspace.

The Global War for Internet Governance

Laura DeNardis provides a truly insightful look at the world of global governance in cyberspace. Her work is an accessible must read that provides the history and details necessary to begin to understand the complexity that is Internet governance.

Zero Day: The Threat In Cyberspace

Inside Cyber Warfare: Mapping the Cyber Underworld

While not an academic book per say, Jeffrey Carr takes the reader on a comprehensible journey through cyberspace. This book is consistently updated and has a great deal of detail at the end on state cyber capabilities. For the policy-maker or novice this is the ideal book to begin your journey of understanding with.

Spam Nation: The Inside Story of Organized Cybercrime-from Global Epidemic to Your Front Door

Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do About It

Clarke has been called a scaremonger with this book. While the tone of the book is meant to raise eyebrows and get the blood flowing it does a great job of explaining with very broad strokes the issues faced in this evolving domain.

Understanding the Intelligence Cycle (Studies in Intelligence)

An edited volume, this work also contains an chapter on the intelligence cycle for cyberspace written by yours truly. While my material is now a bit dated it is still applicable.

Cyber War Will Not Take Place

The Politics of Cyberspace (New Political Science Reader)