The proliferation of spyware has led to revelations of human rights abuses by democratic governments and authoritarian states alike. The latest reporting on the global surveillance-for-hire industry details the utilization of military-equivalent cyber weapons, the likes of NSO Group’s Pegasus and Cytrox’s Predator, in international conflict, specifically the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in Armenia and Azerbaijan. The deployment of powerful spyware that is maintained and sold by a third-party company calls into question the rules of cross-border surveillance. What does the presence of Predator and Pegasus spyware in the Nagorno-Karabakh region indicate about the forthcoming uses of cyber espionage in times of war? Finally, a description of the current legal system and human rights safeguards in place and its shortcomings in the global spyware industry will be examined.
Conversations with ChatGPT 3.5: Technological Cure of Disease
SCUSA Experience - Cadet Garland
This past November, I was privileged to represent Virginia Tech at West Point’s Annual Student Conference on U.S. Affairs (SCUSA). The conference started in 1949 and has consistently invited students from across the United States and the globe to have meaningful, guided discussions on how to address chosen topics in American foreign policy. This year, in 2022, was the first return to the conference’s normalcy since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. Each iteration of this event comes with a working theme to center discussions around. Our overarching theme this year was: “American Foreign Policy in an Era of Polarized Politics and Revisionist Powers ”. In attendance were over 200 students representing over 100 institutions pursuing roles in the military, political, and private sectors. I spent four days on West Point’s campus and had an incredible learning experience in regard to forming practical policy and networking with professionals across various fields of study.
Just as in the post last week comparing the answers of Bard to ChatGPT on the War in Ukraine this post picks up on the previous post examining ChatGPT’s answers on AI Common Sense, Rationality and Morality. As we begin to incorporate Large Language Models (LLMs) into our every day lives in the search boys of Bing and Google, it is important for us to understand both their potential and their limitations. These tools are not general AI. They do not inherently have common sense, rationality, or morality in a humanistic manner. Yet I would contend that the approximate and foster a pseudo common sense, rationality, and morality, structured on the content and the limitations of their coding. Because both models also learn from the user they are interacting with it will be increasingly necessary to verify that LLMs don’t lead us down rabbit holes of our own design. We must be careful that they are empowering tools rather than constraining or limiting human potential. It is too early at this point to make a definitive judgement on their future utility or potential for harm. Please read the responses by both LLMs below and feel free to comment with your thoughts below.
Comparing Bard and ChatGPT on WAR, AND DIPLOMACY
I previously posted an article in which I asked ChatGPT a number of questions on Russia’s war in Ukraine. It wasn’t immediately clear that ChatGPT had a cut off date in 2021. Yet despite the fact that it had a cut off date before the start of the 2022 escalation of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine I was able to probe the logic of ChatGPT on complex issues pertaining to war and peace, diplomacy and related concepts. The answers were in many ways contradictory and dissatisfying.
Gaming to combat disinformation
Misinformation poses one of the most prevalent threats to modern political discourse. Its manipulation techniques are unique and ever evolving, present in the media surrounding elections and international politics and reaching more into marketing schemes and public relations as of late. Whether the goal is to gain profit or sow dissention, misinformation is sometimes effective without us even realizing it.
ChatGPT Use in the Classroom
Is ChatGPT the greatest thing since sliced bread for education and research or an instrument for cheating? Is it a tool for learning or a way towards ignorance and illiteracy? Is it an indication of progress in contemporary society with endless opportunities for automation or one of the early signs of devaluation for student-acquired knowledge and skills? These questions seem to imply an answer while they also register the moral panic currently surrounding ChatGPT in academia.
ChatGPT, War, and Diplomacy
There is a great deal of discussion about the use of AI and Machine Learning in intelligence analysis, war planning, national security policy-making and beyond. Yet before these tools are put in place it behooves us to understand the way in which AI thinks and upon what data sources it builds its “findings” and “rational” arguments. Very often what we will discover that that AI much like its human counterparts is prone to bias in source selection, coding, and more. This post examines AI bias in the context of Russia war on Ukraine.
ChatGPT on AI Common Sense, Rationality, and Morality
I held a chat conversation with OpenAI’s ChatGPT to see in one small instance how it responded to questions pertaining to common sense, rationality, and morality. I focused on these three areas in particular because they are generally seen as “human” attributes of intelligence. These “human” qualities extend well beyond Alan Turing’s paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” and into an area examined in a well-written and thoughtful piece by the New York Time’s Cade Metz in “How Smart Are the Robots Getting?.”
Why the US Should Not Force Ukraine to Settle for an Imperial Peace
Russia’s continued war in Ukraine has led to persistent calls for a diplomatic settlement from various corners of the policy community, academia, and the extremes of the political spectrum. These calls are each rooted in a limited or constrained understanding of the conflict, the provision of funding and resources, and the logics of peace and war. Calls for peace absent the agency of the Ukrainian people and their government amount to an imperial imposition of outcomes that would likely be neither permanent nor just. Understanding the context of the conflict from the Ukrainian perspective contextualizes the calls for an imperially imposed peace from without.
Exporting Surveillance: Tech Companies and Export of Surveillance Technology
Many authoritarian governments, such as those in Iran, Myanmar, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, now have the capability to surveil their own citizens with technical tools. Many of them were enabled by Chinese technology companies, such as Huawei, Hikvision, Dahua and ZTE, as well as U.S. and Israeli companies that have exported artificial intelligence surveillance technology to these countries.
Covid-19 Disinformation in the ASEAN Region
Technology facilitates the communication and spread of information in ways that can result in public benefit. In particular, information communications technologies, such as social media, can serve as a powerful tool for information dissemination. In fact, they often serve as a platform for governments to communicate with their constituents. However, the information environment is much broader than governments, and many non-state actors also play large roles in the ways information and disinformation can be spread. Understanding the effects of circulating disinformation provides insight into the complex dynamics of an evolving information environment. The focus of this blog post is on the dynamics of COVID-19 disinformation within ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries. Our research finds that the influence of disinformation, from both foreign and domestic sources, is continuing to grow, requiring adjustment to domestic goals and hindering public health in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Visible Battle Space: Electronic Warfare in Ukraine
United States intelligence agencies have been issuing dire warnings of an impending war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Estimates of upwards of 175,000 soldiers massing at multiple points on the Ukraine-Russian frontier are ominous, yet any battle over Ukraine is likely to include an increasingly potent electronic warfare (EW) dimension that would be unlike any prior conflict to date. Over the last 7 years, the Russian Federation has been strategically positioning and testing a number of different technical assets. These assets comprise a suite of mobile tactical intelligence collection and offensive EW tools that extend the contact lines well beyond the trenches of the existing ATO.
A Brief Survey of the Impact of COVID-19 Disinformation on ASEAN Countries
Technology facilitates the communication and spread of information in ways that can result in public benefit. In particular, information communications technologies, such as social media, can serve as a powerful tool for information dissemination. In fact, they often serve as a platform for governments to communicate with their constituents. However, the information environment is much broader than governments, and many non-state actors also play a large role in the way information and disinformation can be spread. Understanding the effects of circulating disinformation provides insight into the complex dynamics of an evolving information environment. The focus of this blog post is on the dynamics of COVID-19 disinformation within ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries. Our research finds that the influence of disinformation, from both foreign and domestic sources, is continuing to grow, requiring adjustment to domestic goals and hindering public health in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Student Conference on United States Affairs on Emerging Technologies Reflection
In early November, I had the chance to participate in the 72nd Student Conference on U.S. Affairs with two other members of the Virginia Tech community. Hosted annually at West Point, Delegates from prominent universities and colleges across the country are invited to participate in drafting memorandum on a pressing issue to a relevant U.S. office. After travelling up the Hudson Valley to where the conference was hosted, we were assigned to roundtables on various issues facing the United States. These roundtables ranged from Social Media and the Weaponization of Information to Inequality in an Era of Disruptive Technology. Our delegates were all assigned to the roundtable regarding 21st century vulnerabilities: Critical Infrastructure and Cybersecurity. The United States Military Academy boasts an impressive campus with an almost foreboding sense of history. West Point alumni include multiple U.S. presidents whose statues are prominently displayed over the campus. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we were only allowed to interact with a select few cadets. Nevertheless, the legacy of West Point seemed to be one that cadets took seriously.
Political Disinformation in China
Under the current Chinese President, Xi Jinping, China has risen from a developing country to an economic powerhouse. Although the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) has implemented several economic and social reforms, President Xi also emphasizes strengthening China’s image, both domestically and internationally. He has done so, in part, by glorifying the idea of the “China Dream,” which is a vision adopted by the Chinese public that sees China as a wealthy and developed country that takes the lead in global affairs and whose state ideology appeals to the world. The ultimate goal of the CCP now is to become a powerhouse that has a global influence. To do this China is using state media as well as domestic and global social media sites to increase the push of disinformation, the deliberate posting of false information to influence public opinion. Leaders in Beijing have decided to target areas that they believe are essential to giving the CCP and China the image of a unified and globally powerful nation. The effects of which can be seen in the events and news surrounding Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Examining the Automation of Disinformation
Disinformation has become a much larger problem globally within the past decade, and with the increasing volume of disinformation comes a technological revolution. Automated disinformation has taken over the field, with bots amplifying, spreading, and even creating content autonomously. Many new advancements have allowed individuals as well as state actors to create heretofore unseen amounts of content and reach larger audiences than ever before. These effects could be seen during the 2016 election in the US, during the present COVID-19 pandemic globally, in Chinese political efforts to undermine Taiwan, and in many other instances around the world.
Thoughts on Deepfakes
Deepfakes are videos or photos that have been digitally changed whether by AI or humans to create an image/video that is seemingly realistic. These videos can include alterations in which someone’s face has been digitally imputed to say anything the programmer wants. Deepfakes result in nearly indistinguishable vocal intonations and facial movements from the original person. The creation of deepfakes have and will continue to cause disinformation to be more trustworthy and hard to counter, which makes them extremely dangerous.
iDoctor: Some Preliminary Thoughts on AI Liability in Health Environments
In the middle of the night you awake with a sudden stomach pain and you feel like you can’t move you instinctually grab your phone and call 911. An ambulance arrives and rushes you to the hospital where you begin to receive treatment from an emergency room doctor. Now you might not understand everything about that doctor that is treating you, for example, you don’t know where they attended medical school, nor do you know their grade point average upon graduation, but you are certain that the medical field has strict guidelines and procedures and that to treat you that physician must have passed a medical licensing exam. But what if that doctor was replaced with a computer? Would you still feel comfortable? Computers are used in almost every aspect of our daily lives but would you trust one with yours?
The Impact of Disinformation on Kenyan Elections and Politics
“The pen is mightier than the sword.” That the phrase highlights the notable influence of words and their potential power to change the world for the better. However, that same power can make words a far more violent and cruel weapon than a sword. In the case of misinformation, words can damage a countless number of lives and the roots of democracy when wielded maliciously. Kenya has recently fallen victim to a number of disinformation attacks that have manipulated the society and the politics and led to the deaths of thousands of innocent lives.